Class SS:Enjoying things going wrong(14:00-17:00)

There are many languages, letters, and typefaces in the world. Even if it is the same novel, its appearance changes depending on the typeface and typesetting as the place and time change. Let's think about and express the interestingness of characters that continue to change like that. Also, let's enjoy the “unexpected” in design.
世上有太多种语言、文字,千千万万的字体。随着时间和地点的变化,即使是同一本书籍,它也会因字体和编排的不同而改变。让我们来沉思这种不断变化的有趣之处,享受设计中的 “意外” 。

Shin Sobue (Japan)

Book designer, art director. Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1959. Left the graphic design department at Tama Art University to join Kousakusha Co., Ltd. Established Cozfish in 1990 and remains the director. Has worked at the forefront in a wide range of genres from book design to exhibitions, devoting his attention to all things print. His design motto is “enjoying things going wrong”. Member of AGI and Tokyo TDC. Visiting professor at Tama Art University, and guest professor at Tokyo University of the Arts. Awarded the 28th Kodansha Culture Award in the Book Design category (1997), the Tokyo TDC Special Prize (2011), the Book Design Competition, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, abd Technology Award (2003), The 22nd Annual Sato Keinosuke Awards (2023), among others
国际平面设计联盟(AGI)成员、东京字体指导俱乐部(Tokyo TDC)会员。1959年出生于日本爱知县,曾就读于多摩美术大学平面设计专业,毕业后开始从事平面设计工作,现任cozfish工作室艺术总监。祖父江慎痴迷于所有印刷制品,在日本书籍设计的最前沿不断探索。他还将自己的才华运用在展览以及相关设计上,例如为东京史努比博物馆设计logo、为迪克 · 布鲁纳(Dick Bruna)绘本中的兔子米菲举办展览。

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