Class NN:A pleasure for the eyesCreating visuals
that are physiologically pleasing

What makes design eye-pleasing? How can we create visually appealing images? In this course, we will explore various images that evoke a positive physiological response. We will use these images as inspiration to produce aesthetically pleasing designs, animations, graphics, and more.

Norio Nakamura (Japan)

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, he worked for Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. Finishing his tenure at Sony Music in 1997, he established Norio Nakamura Studio. Since then, he has engaged in a wide spectrum of creative activity, spanning from poster design, advertisement, books, web, CI and motion image products, design and provide artistic direction for video games and smartphone applications. His most recent work includes creating Children's picture books and organizing workshop. Mainichi Design Award, “Das schönste deutsche Buch”-Preis 2019, Yusaku Kamekura Award, Tokyo Type Directors Club Award, Tokyo Art Directors Club Award, Bologna Ragazzi Award, The ADC (NY) Annual Awards Silver. He is a member of AGI, Tokyo Type Directors Club and Tokyo Art Directors Club.
国际平面设计联盟(AGI)成员、东京字体指导俱乐部(Tokyo TDC)会员。1967年出生于神奈川县,从日本大学艺术学部毕业后,进入了索尼公司(1990-1997年)。期间他推出了 “明和电机” 系列创作,在设计界引起轰动。1997年,中村至男创立了自己的工作室,设计作品曾荣获纽约ADC银奖、日本文化厅媒体艺术祭优秀奖、东京ADC奖、东京TDC奖等嘉奖,2018年荣获 “龟仓雄策奖” 。其作品简单、明了,以扁平的图形和单一的色彩构成的奇妙意境著称,兼具 “抽象” 与 “具象” 。常借用计算机世界和数学世界的逻辑思维,混合以其无限的想象力,将两者完美结合,最终以一种简明、清晰的视觉语言呈现。

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